Redefining the Sacred


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"Imitation is the sincerest of flattery."

Many people are familiar with the quote above, but few know that it comes from a book called: Lacon, or Many Things in Few Words, published in 1826 by Charles Caleb Colton.

“Originality is nothing but judicious imitation. The most original writers borrowed one from another.” ~ Voltaire

"About the most originality that any writer can hope to achieve honestly is to steal with good judgment."
~ Josh Billings (Henry Wheeler Shaw)

"Originality is the fine art of remembering what you hear but forgetting where you heard it."
~ Laurence J. Peter


I M I T A T I O N: F L A T T E R Y O R T H I E V E R Y?

A word about the images used in this web site

We here at Reinventing the Sacred have the greatest respect for the creativity of others. Throughout this web site you will find photographs, sketches and other images. In the lower left corner of every page is a list showing each image used on that page and a description of the source of the image. If the image has been purchased there is generally no description. If the image was not purchased, there is usually a link to the source on the Internet. Some sources, like NASA and Wikimedia Commons state clearly that the images are copyright free and available to be used. Others sources are less clear about this.

We have puchased the images that we know need to be purchased. Where permission might be in doubt, we request permission to use the image in the way that it appears on our site. We are hopeful that the holders of the copyright will appreciate seeing how the image is used and will also appreciate the link, which will bring viewers to their site. Images for which we obtain permission will have the letters: w/p ("with permission") noted beside the link to the source. Any image for which permission is denied will be removed and replaced with a similar image from a different source.

Copyright and fair use

Where we have quoted bits of text from other web sites, we have attempted to adhere to copyright rules about "Fair Use". If you own the copyright to anything on this site and would like the accreditation to be changed to something specific, please let us know.

Most of the content you will find in this site is original work, and is protected by copyright. If you wish to use any portions of the text, please contact us.

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